Deficiency of Vitamins

Concept Explanation

Deficiency of Vitamins

Vitamins : Vitamins are essential nutrients required in small quantity for the normal functioning of the body.The food rich in vitamins are called protected food.

Deficiency of Vitamin’s: List some important vitamins and their sources, functions, deficiency diseases and symptoms.

  Vitamins and Sources


  Deficiency disease


                        Vitamin A

Sources: green leafy vegetables, fruity, butter, egg yolk, carrots and fish

 Keeps, eyes, hair   and skin healthy

 Night blindness

   Dryness of eyes, improper  vision, cant see in dim light

                      Vitamin B1

Sources: eggs, whole grains and sprouts

 Aids in digestion;  maintains nervous system


Inflammation of nerves, shortness of breath, digestive problems and heart abnormalities

                      Vitamin B2

Sources: eggs, milk and green leafy vegetables

 Keeps skin and mouth healthy

 Skin disorders

Irritation of eyes, skin and intestinal disorders, inflammation of the tongue

                    Vitamin B12

Sources: meat

 Formation of red blood cells


Pale skin, lack of stamina and appetite, frequent headaches

                       Vitamin C

Sources: citrus fruits like lime, orange and lemon; tomatoes and sprouts

Helps to resist infections and keeps teeth, gums and joints healthy


 Loosening of teeth, spongy and bleedings gums, increased susceptibility to diseases, slow healing of wounds; weakness, pain in the limbs

                      Vitamin D

Sources: milk, fish and eggs sunlight

 Aids in the normal growth of bones in children

 Rickets and osteomalacia

 Weak bones, joint and bone deformities like bow legs and pigeon chest, softening of ribs, protruding abdomen. In osteomalacia, bones become weak and tend to fracture

                     Vitamin K

Sources: spinach, cabbage or any other green leafy vegetables

 Helps in blood clotting (to stop bleeding)

Hemorrhage (excessive bleeding)

 Affects clotting of blood

                   Vitamin E

Source : Green leafy vegetables,milk,butter,whole grains,vegetable oils, liver

 Essential for normal functioning of muscles and protection of liver It can cause diseases related to liver, gall bladder and pancreas   Stomach problems, Nervous system problems, dryness of skin and hair etc.

Some vitamins are very sensitive to heat and light. For example, Vitamin C is easily destroyed during cooking. Therefore, vitamin C rich food items should be eaten raw. Scurvy was common among sailors in ancient times. Due to lack of cure, several sailors used to die of this disease during long voyages. In the 18th century, James Lind found that eating citrus fruits reduced the occurrence of scurvy in sailors.


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Which of the following shows the incorrect match of signs and symptoms of the respective diseases? 

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

The deficiency of which of the following may cause the disease called scurvy? 

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

Read the following passage carefully.

P is found abundantly in cod liver oil and is important for visual efficiency. Q is sourced from amla, tomato and citrus fruits and its deficiency may cause wounds to take longer time for sunlight and its deficiency in toddlers may cause deformity of legs. 

Right Option : C
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